The University of Florida

Honors & Awards

Editorial Board of the Journal ‘Lubricants’
Lubricants Journal:
Editorial Board:

Interview of Nagaraj K. Arakere with Tribology Transactions/TLT Magazine “University of Florida professor leads industry and government research on reliable prediction of endurance life of rolling element bearings and tribological systems."
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Walter D. Hodson Award for the paper (2017) “Reevaluation of Rolling Element Bearing Load-Life Equation based on Fatigue Endurance Data,” STLE Tribology Transactions, 58, pp. 815-828, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1021943. Authors are N. Londhe, N. Arakere, R. Haftka. Award is given by Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) presented on May 22, 2017, at the STLE International Tribology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Orr JEMT Best Paper Award (2016) - American Society of Mechanical Engineering “Influence of Residual Stress and Temperature on the Cyclic Hardening Response of M50 High-strength Bearing Steel Subjected to Rolling Contact Fatigue” by student Dr. Abir Bhattacharyya and faculty advisors Prof. Ghatu Subhash and Arakere Nagaraj were given the Orr JEMT (Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Technology) Best Paper Award at the annual ASME conference in Phoenix AZ on November 14, 2016.

Fellow of ASME, 2005

Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Engineering Gas Turbines and Power, 2000-2007.

Best Paper Award for "Effect of Crystal Orientation on Fatigue Failure of Single Crystal Nickel Base Turbine Blade Superalloys," Paper presented at the ASME/IGTI Conference, Munich, Germany (May 2000) (Materials and Metallurgy section).

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Best Paper Award for "Investigation of 3D Stress Fields and Slip Systems in Notched Single Crystal Specimens," by Arakere, N. K., S. Siddiqui, Magnan, S., Ebrahimi, F., and Feroro, L, Paper presented at the ASME /IGTI Conference, Vienna, Austria (May 2004) (Structures and Dynamics).

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NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program for 1999 and 2002, at NASA MSFC.

SAE Ralph R. Teetor National Educational Award, 1995

Dr. Nagaraj K. Arakere