3. A. Pandkar, N. Arakere, G. Subhash, 2015, “Ratcheting-Based Microstructure-Sensitive Modeling of Cyclic Hardening Response of Case-Hardened Bearing Steels Subject to Rolling Contact Fatigue,” International Journal of Fatigue, 63, 73, pp. 119-131. (13 pages)
2. N. Londhe, N. Arakere, R. Haftka, 2015, “Reevaluation of Rolling Element Bearing Load-Life Equation based on Fatigue Endurance Data,” Accepted in STLE Tribology Transactions, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1021943 (14 pages)
1. A. Bhattacharya, G. Subhash, N. Arakere, 2015, “Cyclic constitutive response and effective S-N diagram of M-50 NiL case hardened bearing steel subject to rolling contact fatigue,” Accepted in ASME Journal of Tribology.
4. A. Pandkar, N. Arakere, G. Subhash, 2014, “Microstructure-Sensitive Accumulation of Plastic Strain due to Ratcheting in Bearing Steels Subject to Rolling Contact Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue, 63, pp. 191-202. (12 pages)
3. B. Allison, G. Subhash, N. Arakere, 2014, “Influence of Initial Residual Stress on Material Properties of Bearing Steel during Rolling Contact Fatigue,” STLE Tribology Transactions, 57, pp. 533-545. (13 pages)
2. B. Allison, G. Subhash, N. Arakere, 2014, “Extraction and Testing of Miniature Compression Specimens from Bearing Balls Subjected to Rolling Contact Fatigue,” ASME Journal of Tribology., Vol. 136, Issue 2, 021103:1-7. (7 pages)
1. A. Bhattacharya, G. Subhash, N. Arakere, 2014, “Evolution of subsurface plastic zone due to rolling contact fatigue of M-50 NiL case hardened bearing steel,” International Journal of Fatigue, 59, pp. 102-113. (12 pages)
4. Klecka, M., Subhash, G., Arakere, N. K., 2013, "Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Surface Indentation Response of Plastically Graded Materials,” Accepted in ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
3. Klecka, M., Subhash, G., Arakere, N. K., 2013, "Microstructure-Property Relationships in M50-NiL and P675 Case Hardened Bearing Steels,” Accepted in STLE Tribology Transactions
2. P.A. Sabnis, S. Forest, Nagaraj Arakere, Vladislav Yastrebov, 2013, “Crystal plasticity analysis of cylindrical indentation on a Ni-base single crystal superalloy,” The International Journal of Plasticity., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.05.004. (18 pages)
1. Branch, N., Arakere, N. K., Svendsen, V., Forster, N., 2013, "Critical Stresses and Strains at the Spall Edge of a Case Hardened Bearing Due to Ball Impact,” International Journal of Fatigue, 47, pp. 268-278. (11 pages) (PDF)
2. P.A. Sabnis, M. Mazière, S. Forest, Nagaraj K. Arakere, F. Ebrahimi, 2012, “Effect of secondary orientation on notch-tip plasticity in superalloy single crystals,” The International Journal of Plasticity., 28, pp. 102-123. (22 pages) (PDF)
1. Arakere, N. K., Subhash, G., 2011, “Work Hardening Response of M50-NiL Case Hardened Bearing Steel During Shakedown in Rolling Contact Fatigue,” Materials Science and Technology., 28, (1), 34-38. (5 pages)
6. Klecka, M., Subhash, G., Arakere, N. K., 2011, Determination of Subsurface Hardness Gradients in Plastically Graded Materials via Surface Indentation, ASME Journal of Tribology., Vol. 133, July 2011, 031403:1-5. (5 pages) (PDF)
5. English, S., Arakere, N. K., Allen, P., 2011, “J-Q characterized stress fields of surface-cracked metallic liners - II. Composite overwrapped pressure vessels,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics., V 78, pp. 2097-2114. (18 pages) (PDF)
4. English, S., Arakere, N. K., 2011, “Effects of the strain-hardening exponent on two-parameter characterizations of surface-cracks under large-scale yielding,” The International Journal of Plasticity, 27, pp. 920-939. (20 pages) (PDF)
3. Branch, N., Arakere, N. K., Subhash, G., Klecka, M., 2011, "Determination of Constitutive Response of Plastically Graded Materials," The International Journal of Plasticity, 27, pp. 728-738. (11 pages) (PDF)
2. Thiyagasundaram, P., Wang, J., Sankar, B. V., Arakere, N. K., 2011, “Fracture toughness of foams with tetrakaidecahedral unit cells using finite element based micromechanics,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78, pp. 1277-1288. (12 pages)
1. Branch, N., Subhash, G., Arakere, N. K., Klecka, M., Feb 2011, "A new reverse analysis to determine the constitutive response of plastically graded case hardened bearing steels," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48, pp. 584-591. (8 pages)
9. Branch, N., Subhash, G., Arakere, N. K., Klecka, M., 2010, "A material-dependent representative plastic strain for the prediction of indentation hardness," Acta Materialia, vol. 58, pp. 6487-6494. (PDF)
8. Pattabiraman, S., Levesque, G., Kim, N. H., Arakere, N. K., 2010, Uncertainty Analysis for Rolling Contact Fatigue Failure Probability of Silicon Nitride Ball Bearings," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, pp. 2543-2553. (PDF)
7. Levesque, G., Arakere, N. K., Mecholsky, J., Gopalakrishnan, K., Mecholsky., 2010, "Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Mixed-Mode Fracture Parameter on Silicon Nitride Using the Brazilian Disc Test," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 33, Issue 8, pp. 490-503. (PDF)
6. Levesque, G., Arakere, N. K., 2010, "Critical flaw size in silicon nitride ball bearings," Tribology Transactions, Vol. 53, pp. 511-519. (PDF)
5. Levesque, G., Arakere, N. K., 2010, "Empirical curve fits for surface flaws subject to rolling contact fatigue," Tribology Transactions, Vol. 53, pp. 621-629. (PDF)
4. English, S., Arakere, N. K., Allen, P., 2010, "J-T Characterized Stress Fields of Surface-Cracked Metallic Liners Bonded to a Structural Backing - I. Uniaxial Tension," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 77, pp. 170-181. (PDF)
3. Thyagasundaram, P., Sankar, B., Arakere, N. K., 2010, "The elastic properties of foam with tetrakidekahedral cells using finite element analysis," AIAA Journal, Vol. 48, No. 4, April 2010.
2. Branch, N., Arakere, N. K., Svendsen, V., Forster, N., 2010, "Stress field evolution in a ball bearing raceway fatigue spall," ASTM International (American Institute of Physics), Vol. 7, No. 2, JAI102529 (18 pages). (PDF)
1. Arakere, N. K., Branch, N., Levesque, G., Forster, N., Svendsen, V., 2010, "On the Rolling Contact Fatigue Life and Spall Propagation Characteristics of M50, M50 NiL and 52100 Bearing Materials, Part II - Stress Modeling," Tribology Transactions, Vol. 53, pp. 42-51. (PDF)
Arakere, N. K., Siddiqui, S, and Ebrahimi, F, 2009, "Evolution of Plasticity in Notched Ni-Base Superalloy Single Crystals," International Journal of Solids and Structures. V 46, pp. 3027-3044. (PDF)
Sadeghi, F., Jalalahmadi, B., Slack, T. S., Raje, N., Arakere, N. K., 2009, A Review of Rolling Contact Fatigue," ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 131, pp. 1-15.
(PDF)Arakere, N. K, Knudsen, E., Wells, D. McGill, P., Swanson, G. R, 2008. "Determination of mixed-mode stress intensity factors, fracture toughness, and crack turning angle for anisotropic foam material," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, pp. 4936-4951. (PDF)
Levesque, G., and Arakere, N. K., 2008, "On Hertzian Brittle Fracture of Oblique Contacting Spheres: A Stress-State Investigation on Silicon Nitride," International Journal for Solids and Structures, V 45, pp. 6301- 6315. (PDF)
Ranjan, S., and Arakere, N. K., 2008, "A fracture mechanics based methodology for fatigue life prediction of single crystal nickel based superalloys," ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 130, pp. 1-11. (PDF)
Ebrahimi, F, Feroro, L, Siddiqui, S., and Arakere, N. K., 2006, "Effect of notch orientation on the evolution of plasticity in superalloy single crystals," Materials Science and Engineering A, v 426, pp. 214-220. (PDF)
Arakere, N. K., Knudsen, E., Swanson, G. R., Duke, G., Ham-Battista, G.,2006, "Subsurface stress fields in face-centered-cubicsingle-crystal anisotropic contacts," ASME Journal of Engineering Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 128, pp. 1-10. (PDF)
Klecka, M, Subhash, G.,Arakere, N. K., 2011, " Microstructural property relationships in plastically graded case hardened steels," Acta Materialia.
Dr. Nagaraj K. Arakere